Nov 3, 2016IP3 results announced – more than $5.3 million spent with an average price of $96,000 per patent familyOct 26, 2016AST ANNOUNCES STRONG RESULTS FROM FIRST-EVER INDUSTRY PATENT PURCHASE PROGRAM, IP3Oct 5, 2016Russell Binns, AST CEO, named to the 2016 IAM Magazine list of “the world’s elite IP deal makers”Sep 28, 2016First results of IP3 buying spree show up in USPTO database; sellers included Korea’s Intellectual DiscoverySep 19, 2016Google, Others Team Up for Defensive Patent BuySep 16, 2016AST’s Industry Patent Purchase Program completes 56 patent family purchases…Sep 15, 2016AST’s Russell Binns on how Google’s “Crashing the Plane” philosophy intersects with IP market…Jul 19, 2016Mixed views among senior US patent market players about whether the pendulum is swinging back…May 18, 2016Deadline Extended Through June 10 – Calling All Patent Owners – Google, IBM, Ford, Cisco and Other Leading Global Companies Want to Buy Your Patents – Through the New IP3 Purchase Program by ASTApr 11, 2016The eye of the beholder: What exactly do people think of when they hear the term ‘patent quality’?Feb 11, 2016This is the year the US patent pendulum swings back – how you should react Back