IP3 2023 – Advertising 2 (LOT 13145)
This lot is generally related to distribution of customized targeted advertisement messages. Techniques are disclosed to deliver focused advertisement messages based on customer needs to enhance effectiveness and provide value to customers. Disclosed is a technique to distribute web-based targeted advertising messages by an advertising party who is registered with a targeted advertising message distributor by creating an advertising campaign for products for targeting user demographic categories selected by the advertising party. The techniques allow the advertising party to customize messages for each category and store on a web server of the distributor by paying the cost of the advertising campaign. Also disclosed are techniques to allow a user to register with the distributor for receiving advertising messages through a web browser. The user provides demographic data and other information during registration and configures the web browser home page based on the user specific URL. The web browser URL has a set of targeted advertising messages which are displayed when the user opens the browser based on the demographic category. The technology may be implemented in web applications, targeted advertisement systems, search systems, mobile apps, etc.